Alex Baker



My industry has always been pretty male-dominated. I’m a focused entrepreneur, and I’m also a funny guy, and I used to think that those parts of me conflicted.


Since I didn’t work around women, my friends would try to help me and set me up with people, but nothing ever really came of it.

Then a year ago (I was 30), I moved from Ann Arbor to Chicago, and it was a great fresh start. I started Googling dating coaches – the energy of the city just gave me extra drive, I think. SDA came up, and I really liked Bela and Lindsay when I met them. I’ve never liked the sketchy approach of “con artist” types, where they teach you how to be manipulative, like you’re trying to win some kind of game with women. Bela and Lindsay had a professionalism that made me feel positive and willing to share my goals with them.


I had more dates than I've ever have, and I've now met someone (who loves the Bachelor), and it looks like we will be each others' final rose - this is the real deal.

Trust the advice of the experts (Lindsay/Bela). That's why you're working with them -- even their advice about the small things made a huge difference.