

I live and work in NYC -- have a great job that I love. That being said, I didn’t feel confident approaching people offline, but I didn’t find much success with online dating either. I would just get ignored or even if I got a date, it wouldn’t go that well and I wouldn’t get a second date.

I got a good impression from one of Bela’s webinars that I signed up for. I researched the services she was offering, and figured there might be something broken about the process I had been trying that I could use her professional guidance with.

I definitely give Bela and Lindsay a solid A. They’re really focused on serving all of their clients. They turned my mindset around and provided me with the skills I needed – and that was the goal! They pushed me to be consistent about messaging people and about having the right approach. The key thing is that you have to confident in the process, accepting that rejection is part of it, and that it’s just a screening process that helps you with your search. It teaches you who you’re compatible with and how to be better! I recommend them to everyone.