Puppy Love Tainted by Dogfishing Daters


Beware of Online Dating Photos That Don’t Tell the True Story

Is He Using Someone Else’s Dog to Catch Your Eye?

In the dating world, most singles can attest to the fact that “truth is often stranger than fiction.” Speaking of fiction and being misleading, the latest term to hit the dating airwaves is called "Dogfishing." Dogfishing is trying to bait a date by posing with someone else's pet, thinking it'll make you more appealing/marketable. Lying unfortunately happens often in the world of online dating, where singles often “fib” about their age, income, height, and other quantitative metrics. Why would people lie about having a dog?

A survey done by Match says that 72% of women say the “hottest pet a man could own” is a dog—and due to that, men were four times more likely to admit to “dogfishing” than women. Women in their 20s, mainly, can correlate a man's ability to care for a dog with their ability to be a caring boyfriend (58% of women in their 20s say they're more attracted to someone if they have a pet, but this effect diminished with age; for women 50+, it was only 30%).

Given the dangers of dishonesty with online dating, Smart Dating Academy’s dating experts offer tips for ensuring your profile is as authentically “you” as possible:

Tell nothing but the truth. You're putting your integrity at risk when you lie in your profile. Even if it's a small “white lie,” it can lead your love interest to wonder what else you may be lying about. Don't use your neighbor’s dog. If you do, make sure you say that in your caption.

Use photos that actually look like you TODAY. Your photos should be no more than one year old. And changing up your photos often on sites can lead matching algorithms to prioritize you in search, as they favor dynamic users.

Look good! Put your best foot forward, both in your photos and on your dates. Your photos should look good—but always remember, people want to date the person in the picture!

Stop using filters. Everyone can look amazing with filters: But if that filter is making you look sun kissed and 20 years younger, your date won't be too happy about it.

Get feedback. Ask your most honest pals if your photos are good, and truly look like the best version of you! If the answer is “meh” or “no,” get some new photos asap!

In today's dating world, 1 in 3 marriages take place through online connections, so even if it seems like a never ending game of swiping, keep the faith that your potential prince or princess is out there. All you have to do is find them. Need some help putting your best you forward in the online dating world? Smart Dating Academy in Chicago can help! Contact our experienced date coaches today to help you find the love of your life!

Josh Neimark