7 Steps To Get Over Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the worst things we can go through - and most of us have been there.  And, heartbreak happens to us as teenagers until the end of life.  If you've experienced a breakup, how do you get over the heartbreak and get over the person?   

1) Time heals all wounds

The best antidote is time away from the person.  Studies show that three months can bring substantial healing of emotions.  

2) Block them on social media

In order to get over a person, it's often best to disconnect totally if you can (assuming you don't have kids together).  Block them on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat - it will not help you to know every move they make (especially if you were the one who was broken up with).

3) Dating Detox 

Get rid of all of the photos, gifts, and stuff they left in your house.  Those relics will bring you down - and getting rid of them is a great step.  Burn them, donate them, whatever you want.  

4) Get closure - write a letter

So often we say we need closure - if someone just disappeared or broke up with us out of the blue.  Write a letter to your ex - with all of the memories, the good, the bad, and everything you needed to say.  If you want to send the letter, you can.  Or, you can just burn the letter in a fireplace or bury it.  We are the only ones that can give ourselves closure - no one else can.

5) Surround yourself with positive people

Only keep your brightest and most positive, loving villagers around you.  And, if you're tempted to reach out to your ex - have a plan in place.  These are the people that you should grab a drink with, Netflix binge with, or whatever you need to heal.  These are the people that will hear you cry for the 50th time and not hang up on you...

6) Exercise

Get out and exercise.  If you can be outside, even better.  Exercising increases your endorphins, which will make you feel good (and look good)!   

7) Do things that bring you joy

Identify what makes you happy and go do that!  If it's sauntering around art museums, traveling, exploring new neighborhoods, whatever it is - feed your soul.  The more you do what brings you joy, the sooner the joy will outweigh the bad feelings!  

If you follow these 7 steps, you will heal faster than otherwise. Healing is essential in finding healthy, happy love, and be patient with yourself and your heart as you move through the process. It is different for everyone, and can take weeks, months, or even years depending on the person and the situation.